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Temporary housing for Ukrainian refugees in the United States


We continue our activities aimed to help those Ukrainians, who came to the United States.

Many families in the US, already opened their houses, and we are grateful to those who can serve in this way! However, there are more refugees are coming!

Fortunately, our ministers of the mission found the opportunity to settle the new arrivals in the hotel and the local church of the Bellevue city, which can provide housing on preferential terms. That means that we can provide such housing for free for 21 days.

So, we are looking for sponsors who can participate in financing for the possibility of staying in the hotels and in the apartments provided by the church. If you are able to support this way, please, email us.

If you are the one, who needs for yourself or your family, please, email to our team, so we will contact you and provide more detailed information.

Together we can do more for the Kingdom of God!

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